Well, after an awesome time at the Carkeek 12 Hour and a great day of fun, I ended the day with only about 4 miles of running- one loop to mark the course and one loop to unmark it. Ah well. So, feeling a bit like a slacker (ok, quite a bit like a slacker), I decided I needed to go on my own adventure to get some good mileage in. So Tues. evening I went for a sweet loop run around Lake Washington that made for about a 50ish mile run. I ran into a pretty massive rain/hail storm but other than that, it was great. It was funny- I talked to a friend recently and he asked if I went for any fun runs lately. I told him I ran Lake WA last week and he wasn't very impressed, but was supportive and said, "oh that's like what 8 or 10 miles?" Clearly he was thinking of Lake Union right next to Lake WA, but it's all good. Haha.
The 2 most noteworthy and/or interesting occurrences on this run; 1) While right next to the water of Lake WA, I had the Damien Rice song "Cold Water" stuck in my head on repeat for a long long time. 2) While running through Capitol Hill I was suddenly reminded that it was election day (my little "I voted today" sticker on my jacket fell off in the hail storm...) and it was readily apparent who won as people poured out of the bars screaming and cheering and honking horns and just plain going crazy. Very surreal indeed.
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