Well, the time has come once again for another 100 miler. Tomorrow is the Cascade Crest 100- definitely one of my favorite races out there. The scenery is absolutely breathtakingly amazing, the course really challenging and fun, the volunteers and race organization, etc. is fantastic. This will be my 3rd run in as many years at Cascade Crest, and I'm really hoping the 3rd time's the charm. My first year I ran a really smart first half, and found myself with a healthy lead around mile 45. Then I ended up getting really lost in the mountains due to a mismarked turn, ended up spending about 45 minutes- 1 hour off course, and then once I finally got back on, I had to spend well over an hour in our car at the next aid station recovering from mild hypothermia. Fortunately Kirsten (my wife), eventually kicked me out of the car and made me keep going. My buddy Brock and I powered through eventually to the end and I ultimately managed to finish 7th.
Then last year I probably was a bit over-ambitious even toeing the starting line so soon after my CO Trail record attempt, but I love the course so much I just couldn't stay away. After severe cases of trench foot in both feet, my feet still weren't recovered for the race, and though I felt good for a while, the crippling pain in my feet caused me to call it a day at mile 80 at No Name Ridge. Again, my buddy Brock powered through with me from Hyak, and it was a tough call to stop, but also surprisingly easy given the circumstances.
So, enter this year. 3rd time's the charm, right? Haha, I hope so. I am just hoping to go out, run the very best I can, have a super fun time out there, and enjoy an amazing jaunt through the beautiful Cascades. This year Brock is battling injury, so he'll be out there supporting and cheering folks on (and even joining another friend for a 20 mile section), but another buddy of mine is flying in tonight from St. Louis to pace me from Hyak (the last 46 miles or so). Carl is a friend I met several years ago while doing the 51 marathons in 50 days adventure. Carl was incredibly supportive during that journey and ran a handful of the marathons with me. After joining me in Omaha (where he's from) for the marathon, he then wanted to attempt his first back to back double with me, so flew out again a little later and met up with us again. He cruised strong with me in Delaware and New Jersey, and it was awesome having his company and smiling face. He and his girlfriend Ashlee are flying in tonight, and Ashlee is going to join Kirsten as faithful crew support during the race. This'll be Carl's longest run ever, but I'm confident in him. He's been training really hard, doing lots of trail work, and longer mileage training runs. My slow poke night time pace should be a cake-walk for him!
Alrighty, well best of luck to everyone out there tomorrow, and above all enjoy the journey and have fun in the mountains! Can't wait to see everyone smiling at the finish line in Easton Sunday morning.
You are going to be on fire.
see you there brock
You know it baby! Get ready to light it up out there!!!! It's gonna be a super duper weekend.
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